Spirituality. Creativity. Artistry. Philanthropy. These are key words for Pisces and ones that take our attention for the next 18 months as the Moon’s Nodes move from Aries to Pisces for the first time in 18 months. The Moon’s Nodes shift into Pisces on January 12,...
Posts Categorized: News
Key Dates in 2025
The year 2025 is either going to be the most exciting or most challenging year depending on your viewpoint. All of the major planets are changing Zodiac Signs! To be strictly accurate Pluto moved into Aquarius in November 2024, but this is a major shift and...
Read the latest interview with Esoteric Technologies director and astrologer Stephanie Johnson in the international Mystic Magazine.
Interview with Esoteric Technologies director and astrologer Stephanie Johnson in the international Mystic Magazine Click here to read the latest interview!
What Part does the Part of Fortune play in your Birth Chart?
What Part does the Part of Fortune play in your Birth Chart? by Stephanie Johnson Read this short article for a better understanding of this ancient combination of the Sun, Moon and Ascendant. Click here to download PDF File
Interview with Ririn on the Women’s Collective Consciousness Podcast
Interview with Ririn on the Women’s Collective Consciousness Podcast This interview with Ririn on the Women’s Collective Consciousness Podcast on the phases of the Moon and the links with the cycles of women is available on Spotify:...
Pluto Retrograde – Straddling Two Worlds
Pluto Retrograde - Straddling Two Worlds Do you feel a bit like you are straddling two worlds? The old ways and the new ones? That’s largely due to the influence of the not-so-dwarf-planet Pluto. Pluto moved into Capricorn in November 2008 heralding changes in global...