
Astrology readings for insight into your life and business

image of globe with constellations for astrology readings


Stephanie has an internationally renowned reputation as a professional astrologer Australia and internationally. She is available for national and international consultations by phone or Skype “seeingwithstars”. She is also available for one-to-one consultations and astrology readings and produces a CD recording for face-to-face consults if required.

About Stephanie

Stephanie has run her own astrology consultation and software business for more than 19 years. She is committed to astrology as a means of gaining greater understanding to live more effectively. And she specialises in helping women and men achieve their personal and business goals with the help of astrological readings and insights.

Stephanie is also experienced in the process of finding birth times through astrological means. This process if referred to as Rectification. Stephanie has an international clientele who have consulted her for this process. And it is recognised and referred to by other astrologers.


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What Can You Expect When Receiving an Astrology Reading?

Generally clients approach an astrologer with a particular problem in mind, whether it’s a life crisis or turning point, or even a lack of direction. Curiosity is also a valid reason for making an appointment.

Before your appointment you will be asked to give Stephanie the details of your birth time, date and place. She then calculates your birth chart and a variety of other charts depending on the nature of your visit. At the consultation you will have the charts explained to you – your astrology readings – and you will be given them to keep.

Please note that no astrologer is responsible for the choices or decisions that you make in your life. When Stephanie completes your charts and gives you an astrology reading she is simply presenting information based on an ancient and exploratory system of philosophy.

Most appointments are for about one hour. Stephanie will quote the price for the astrology consultation before you attend. During the visit you are encouraged to tape the session for your own future reference. Stephanie will provide you with a 60-minute tape as part of her service.


How Do You Choose An Astrologer?

Before you choose an astrologer – even one as highly regarded as Stephanie – you should first establish their credentials. Once you know they have the expertise and experience in astrology, you may narrow your choice to someone who lives close to you. Or you may choose someone who specialises in an area in which you are interested. Or you may rely on referral from a friend or colleague.

As the field of astrology is so vast, many astrologers choose to specialise. But like Stephanie, all qualified astrologers should have a sufficient understanding of all fields.


What Is Astrology?

Astrology is a study of the connection between planets and life on Earth. It is based on the concept that energy patterns form between other planets and Earth, and that these energies affect our lives as individuals and communities.


What Is An Astrological Chart?

An astrological chart, also known as a horoscope, natal chart, or birth chart – and sometimes colloquially referred to as astrology readings – records the relationship between the planets and the signs of the Zodiac. Charts can be calculated for the birth of a person, a community, an event or anything that seems momentous. The horoscope is as individual and unique as a fingerprint.


Astrology Readings Can Help You In Several Ways:

  • An overview of your personality can lead to self-understanding and acceptance.
  • Understanding the cycles at work in your life can give you renewed purpose.
  • Realising the patterns at play can ensure that you are making the most of your opportunities for self-growth.
  • Relationships with others can be viewed with greater understanding.
  • Decisions may become clearer.

It is important to note Stephanie offers information about the astrological weather. The individual must make all decisions and take responsibility for their own choices. It is not an astrologer’s role to tell a client how to make their choices or how to live their life.


What Types Of Astrology Readings Are There?

Birth Chart Reading

The reading of the natal or birth chart is the most common form of consultation. It provides an excellent introduction to astrology and its benefits.

Your birth chart reading gives you a general overview your strengths and challenges. It can cover talents, personality, relationships with parents and vocational guidance – anything that you like to ask about. The insights gained during a natal astrology reading can be of lasting benefit in helping people understand themselves and their expectations.

An astrology chart can also clearly show those moments when you reach a turning point in your life. These moments offer great opportunities for success and personal achievement. Because of that, predictive astrology is usually included for the coming year.

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Sea Change Astrology

Moving to a new town, city or country can affect the way you feel about yourself and your life. Whether you want to relocate, have a holiday, look for love or pursue a business venture, you can find the best place for your sea change by using astrology.

This special Seeing With Stars Astro cartography session can help you plan ahead by looking at which parts of this beautiful world are best suited for you and your goals whether you want to connect with people in a specific place, travel or have a complete sea or tree change.

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Helping Your Child Blossom

Every child is like a young bud bursting with the promise of a beautiful life. Astrology readings can help you nurture your child’s growth from babyhood to adulthood?

Each child is unique. We can help you see your child’s special talents, style of schooling, social preferences, needs for privacy and attention, most effective discipline and other others useful hints. You will have a personal astrology consultation with Stephanie and receive a beautiful illustrated written report.

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This is an area of astrology that helps individuals or couples evaluate the potentials and pitfalls of their relationship. Stephanie will show the individual’s approach to relationships, as well as creating an insightful relationship chart. This can help couples develop a positive vision for their future.

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Finding Your Birth Time

Finding the correct birth time is vital to an accurate astrology chart. But many people don’t know their birth time. The first step to finding out your birth time is to exhaust all possibilities. Ask a living relative, search for baby records, phone the hospital or phone the local library if your hospital has since closed. If you still can’t discover your time of birth then you will need to partake in a special process called ‘Rectification’.

Rectification is a complex process during which Stephanie will ask you for major life events, timed as closely as possible to a day. The astrologer will then undertake a complex procedure of matching dates to astrological events with the view to finding a time for you. Once you have a rectified chart by a qualified astrologer then you are able to start your astrological journey.

Click here to get your personal chart or consultancy!