Full Moon Lunar Eclipse

Science and astrology combine this week as we experience a total Lunar Eclipse. Scientists accept that the Sun and Moon have a gravitational pull on the earth’s tides, and that the tides are at their highest at Full Moons and Lunar Eclipses. Astrologers believe that this gravitational pull also affects the behaviour of humans and that this is a sacred time during which profound changes can be sparked. As my grandmother used to say: “I can feel it in my waters”.


Generally speaking, a Full Moon and Lunar Eclipse is a time in which to let go of anything that blocks your emotional and spiritual growth. It is a time of surrendering.

This Full Moon is a Blood Moon because the moon is in a total lunar eclipse and appears reddish. And this Blood Moon falls across the Pisces/Virgo axis with the Sun in Pisces and the Moon in Virgo. This is the first of a series of Pisces/Virgo Eclipses over the next two years.


On March 13 or 14 (depending on where you are in the world) the Moon will stand sentry in Virgo opposite a gathering of celestial bodies in Pisces. This is a powerful triggering time in which the logic of Virgo needs to anchor the emotional influence of the Sun, Saturn, North Node, Neptune, and Ceres in Pisces. Spiritual practices and good healthy habits are the key to navigating the tidal pull of this Full Moon and Lunar Eclipse. Virgo is the Zodiac Sign that governs discernment and that is what is required now. Letting go is not always easy but this eclipse requires and emotional and spiritual housekeeping.


This Full Blood Moon is called that because of the nature of the light cast as the Sun, Moon and Earth do their cosmic dance. A Blood Moon is associated in many cultures with uncertainty and fear. Even the birds and animals can go eerily quiet. If you feel unsettled then you can be reassured that you are not alone, particularly if you have Virgo or Pisces prominent in your birth chart. If disturbing emotions, such as anxiety, surface then you can use the detached nature of Virgo to observe the ebb and flow of your emotions and your breathing. Virgo is a sign of purification, and so you can let go trusting that you are being prepared for something new. Use this time to meditate, write in your journal and reconnect with things that help you feel alive, quite literally things that get your blood pumping.


If you have a practice of cleansing your crystals during a Full Moon, then avoid doing so during this one. The Blood Moon energy is too unstable. This is a time of personal healing. Virgo and Pisces are healing signs. So, you can use the compassion of Pisces to heal any emotional wounds. This Full Moon and Eclipse are about surrender and cleansing.


This Lunar Eclipse is also the start of a series of eclipses that straddle Virgo and Pisces. This series of eclipses lasts for approximately two years which means you have time on your side. There is no need to rush change. These two Zodiac Signs remind us to medicate with breath work and mindfulness, and to live our lives in sync with the rhythms of the ocean and the Moon. This is also the beginning of a two week eclipse season with a partial Solar Eclipse occurring on March 29. As the end of the current eclipse season ends on March 29, you are likely to be more ready for new beginnings.


Look to your birth chart to see which sector is influenced by Virgo and Pisces and you have an indication of which area of your life is about to change.