Pluto Retrograde – Straddling Two Worlds

Do you feel a bit like you are straddling two worlds? The old ways and the new ones? That’s largely due to the influence of the not-so-dwarf-planet Pluto.

Pluto moved into Capricorn in November 2008 heralding changes in global finances, governments and the corporate world. It then moved into Aquarius earlier this year. Now Pluto is Retrograding into Capricorn on June 11 and stays there until January, 2024. It’s like taking two steps forward and then one step back.

If you take all of the planets and dwarf planets and look at their cycles, then there is bound to be at least one Retrograding during the year.  So how can you single out Pluto? Think of social media accounts. Some just trickle along, some have a wider reach and some are key influencers. I like to think of Mercury, Saturn and Pluto as being the key influencers.

If you Google ‘Pluto and Astrology’ then you will see the word “transformation” appear regularly. That’s because Pluto digs up the dirt in a way that cannot be ignored. He is, after all, the god of the underground.

When Pluto transits Capricorn then it’s the corporate world, the government, and any individual or group that tries to control another. Pluto highlights the imbalance of power.

As Pluto moved into Aquarius on March 24 this year, we sat on the precipice of a new world order. We could just about see how things needed to change, personally and globally, but not clearly. Pluto’s Retrograde into Capricorn is making sure that we have really cleaned up out act when it comes to ambition versus meaning. Personal ambition (Capricorn) needs to make way for our contribution to the new world (Aquarius). We are being compelled to break down areas of our lives that no longer serve us, so that we can serve the greater good.

You can look at your Birth Chart to see which area is highlighted by Pluto in 2023 and moving forward. And your Solar Chart can also give you clues. If you have an Aries Sun Sign then your career, your contribution to the world at large is highlighted. Taurus Sun Sign people are looking at the bigger picture. Travel, spiritual beliefs, study, and overseas connections are the focus. Gemini: Investments, inheritances, business, weather, metaphysics and joint resources. Cancer: partnerships, marriage, divorce, business contracts. Leo: health and wellbeing, daily habits may need an overhaul. Virgo: creativity, children, and romance. Libra: home, family, coming to terms with the past, particularly connected to your father, or father’s family. Scorpio: mindset, neighbours, siblings, communications, transport. Sagittarius: worth, personal income, self-worth. Capricorn: the final touches to your personal transformation. Aquarius: Your service to the community, small or large, your connection to institutions. Pisces: groups, clubs, friendships, connections that support rather than distract.

As Pluto Retrogrades through the relevant area in your Solar Chart, you may experience a big loss or gain that challenges you to make the final shifts, to finally face the truth and clean up the underpinnings in this area of your life. This is profound. Pluto is profound.