The Vertex – The Destiny Point in

“Do not be afraid; our fate Cannot be taken from us;
it is a gift.”  – DANTE ALIGHIERI

In the movie Sliding Doors, actress Gwyneth Paltrow plays Helen, a woman whose life goes in two wildly different directions based on whether she does or doesn’t catch a train. In one scenario she doesn’t catch the train and discovers her boyfriend in bed with another woman. In the other she catches the train oblivious to what is going on at home. The single choice of catching or not catching a train is considered ‘a sliding door’ moment. Is it destiny? Is it choice? Is it a combination of both?

In astrology the relatively modern point – the Vertex – in your Birth Chart can depict your own ‘sliding door’ moments, moments when an internal decision can trigger a date with destiny, or when destiny lands on your doorstep.

The Vertex is a mathematical point based on the intersection of the Prime Vertical and the Ecliptic. The Vertex, sometimes called the ‘third angle’, is part of an axis, with the opposite point called the Anti-Vertex. If the mathematical description means little to you, or doesn’t interest you, then you can rely on modern astrology software to calculate this axis in your chart. Or you could ask your astrologer.

The important thing is that the Vertex is a point in your Birth Chart that represents significant turning points or fated events in your life. When you feel that an event or person is an encounter of fated significance then this is likely connected to your Vertex. You can look at the placement of the Vertex in the House sector of your Birth Chart, and the Zodiac Sign.

As astrologers we look at the position of the Vertex for insight into your fated connections, events or encounters with people that change the course of your life.

The vertex is usually found on the Western Hemisphere of your Birth Chart (or on the right-hand side). Therefore, it is most likely in the 5th, 6th, 7th, and 8th houses, and sometimes the 4th and 9th.

Vertex in the 4th House: You have a fated connection to your family or birth and your ancestors. Whenever you move home, you are likely have a feeling of your life having deep meaning, that changes are meant to be. Your family and people who share your home play a pivotal role in your personal destiny.

Vertex in the 5th House: When you are young a single incidence can spark a creative passion that you are determined to pursue throughout your life. For instance, a relative could take you to a sporting event or a theatre production, and you know in an instant that this is what you want to pursue. As you grow older you continue to have creative sparks that are life changing, as well as romantic encounters. You look across a crowded room and fall in love in an instant. It is as if there is a spark of recognition, of two souls meeting.

Vertex in the 6th House: Your daily life changes due to unforeseen circumstances. If you are bored, then you know that you are destined for a change. Someone or something comes along to shake things up, in a positive way. Small animals can also be life changing. Have you ever wondered why you keep coming across strays who attach themselves to you? This is your destiny. Health issues can also spark a new path of enlightenment.

Vertex in the 7th House: Fateful relationships – business or personal – take on extra importance in your life. Partnerships can be significant in many people’s lives, but you are particularly affected. They play a pivotal role, sparking changes that are destined to change the way that you relate to others, and perhaps even prompting a profession in a counselling or advisory role.

Vertex in the 8th House: Fate plays its hands when it comes to your investments and shared resources. Taxes, inheritances, joint bank accounts and other financial resources play a pivotal role in your life. At times, you may feel like you have been a tough hand, but then your circumstances change, and you realise the valuable lessons that provide a guiding light in your life. Events or people may also prove life-changing in teaching your about the cycles, and meaning of the universe.

Vertex in the 9th House: You are destined to experience profound change when you study, travel or delve into a subject that is intricately linked to your personal philosophies. Sport, too, can provide ‘sliding door’ moments. People from foreign lands, or other cultures, play pivotal roles in your life. You may also feel like you are on a spiritual quest.

Vertex in Aries: You are the type of person who has flashes of inspiration, and you are not afraid to follow them. You know that fate is kindest to you when you follow your natural instincts, particularly when you take a leadership or pioneering role.

Vertex in Taurus: Fate is kindest to you when you remain steadfast to a course of action, and in tune with the rhythms of your own body. Pivotal moments can occur in your life when you spend time in nature or take practical steps to look after the earth’s flora and fauna.

Vertex in Gemini: You have a natural ability to connect with people in all walks of life. Doors open in your personal and professional life, offering you the chance to make life-changing choices. Writing, acting, comedy, circus tricks and the like can play a pivotal role in your life.

Vertex in Cancer: Connections with loved ones are life changing. Your ability to create a haven for yourself and others plays a pivotal role in your life choices. Small creatures are likely to be a constant source of comfort.

Vertex in Leo: You are likely to experience unexpected prominence in one or more areas of your life. Your creativity and self-expression are attractive and provide pivotal changes. You can use this attention to inspire others.

Vertex in Virgo: Health, healing and the mastery of mind over matter are pivotal in your life. Key events and people spark life-changing realisations about how you operate daily, including ways to make the most of your physical body.

Vertex in Libra: Relationships change the course of your life. You recognise that you are searching for soul mates, kindred spirits who can accompany you on your journey through life. These soul mates play a pivotal role.

Vertex in Scorpio: There are moments in your life when the sense of sound triggers profound realisations, and therefore pivotal experiences. You are sensitive to vibration, and crave fateful events that have meaning.

Vertex in Sagittarius: Your personal philosophy is pivotal. Experiences through travel, religious phenomenon and spiritual teachers are life changing. It is as if you are on a quest to garner spiritual resources.

Vertex in Capricorn: Childhood experiences build the foundations for later in life. As a result, your destiny is linked with knowledge gained through experience, and the getting of wisdom. Studying history and the practical manifestation of resources can be life changing. Vertex in Aquarius: Your experiences with unusual people and events are life changing. You are often thrust out of your comfort zone and destined to reinvent yourself to move forward on your life path.

Vertex in Pisces: Psychic and artistic experiences are food for your soul. You need to escape, and to soar in imaginative realms, to fulfil your destiny. Music, dance, art and such like provide sliding door moments.