By Malvin Artley

The Year of the Wood Snake begins on January 29, 2025 and will last until February 16, 2026. The snake is the sixth animal in the 12-year cycle of the Chinese zodiac, and is associated with wisdom, patience, and mystery. The Year of the Wood Snake will bring a sense of transformation, adaptability, and wisdom.  The snake’s ability to shed its skin symbolizes personal growth and renewal, while the element of Wood is said to foster growth, balance, and connection with nature.


Occurring every 60 years, the Wood Snake year is believed to bestow unique energies. The natural energy of the Snake is the Fire element, but with a Yin emphasis. It is the slow-burning type of fire that tends toward refinement rather than destruction. Combined with the Wood element this year, the Wood Snake produces what is called the ‘Golden Carriage’ – a most auspicious combination, denoting fame and wealth, bringing high social station and enhanced reputation. We could call it the ‘Golden Carriage that transports us to success and fortune’. The Fire element in combination with Wood is like the embers that warm the home and hearth. The Wood Snake favors family activities of all sorts. It also enhances family bonding. The Wood Snake favors happy matches in romance or a partner who brings wealth in the relationship.

The Snake in general, no matter the associated element, signifies significant and fundamental changes in the way we view our world. The Snake year occurs every 12 years, each time with a different associated element. Recent Snake Years were the Water Snake (2013 – Snowden and the NSA leaks, Boston Marathon bombing), the Metal Snake (2001 – 9/11), The Earth Snake (1989 – the breakup of the Soviet Union) and the Fire Snake (1977 – the US gave up the Panama Canal and Pres. Carter pardoned all the draft dodgers). The most recent Wood Snake Year was 1965. That year gave us the enactment of US President LBJ’s ‘Great Society’ in the US (ending racial discrimination), the Voting Rights Act in the US (eliminating racial bias in voting), the first space probe to land on another planet (Venus, by Russia) expanding our knowledge of the universe, the first successful synthesis of insulin (healing and medicine, for which Snakes are known), and the Beatles launched their first world tour, to screaming fans. It was a good year.

The Wood Snake has varying relations with the other eleven Chinese Animal signs. It is not widely known, but everyone has combinations of four such signs in what is called the Four Pillars of Destiny – an Animal Sign and Element for the Year (which most people know), the Month, the Day and the Hour of one’s birth. In what follows we see that for some Animal signs this Year of the Wood Snake is favourable, while for others the year will be more challenging. Not to worry! There will be months and days for everyone to be able to take advantage of this year. So, with what we know about the Wood Snake with this brief introduction, how will all the other signs fare? Well, let’s have a look!

The Signs through the Year

The Rat: Relax, Restless Rat! There is no need to be anticipating gloom and doom. Turn off the TV and get a grip on your forecasting mojo. Turns out, this is your Dragon Virtue year, so the Chinese say! The devil, you say! No, I say mentors and promotions! And they are winging their way, oh incredulous one. The Six Adversities (bad luck) will be kept from your door this year, so long as you stay positive and take care with people. What a relief! Cast your doubts aside and embrace your inner financial guru. Seek out Pigs if you need to commiserate (your natural pair). Otherwise, seek Monkeys (your lucky companion this year) and Dragons as creative partners. You would do well to look at second incomes and build your portfolio. Volunteer work will build your community status and your spiritual merit. Be kind and compassionate with people this year (you can be a little snarky at times) and always be ready to lend a hand. Wealth can be had, but be careful not to get too carried away with success. But on the whole, it’s onwards and upwards! Congrats!

Your weakest months are March, June and July. Your best months are January, February, April, August, November and December. May, September and October? – Meh. Read some good books and travel in those months.

The Ox: Oy Vey, Optimistic Ox! Opportunities abound! The money tree is laden for you, ripe for the picking. We are all very envious, but you deserve your successes. You have worked very hard for them. The Snake is your natural financial partner and a great financial planner. Seek out the Snake and also roust up the Rooster. There are projects to be launched. Oh, but in case you didn’t notice, love is in the air for you, too, if we can ever pry you away from your business interests. You need to be seen, which means you need to get out once and a while. Strange as it seems, the Horse is your lucky mate this year. A good Horse companion will take you out of yourself. You never know who you might meet while out and about. Make sure all your contracts are in order. And play your cards close to your chest, especially during the weaker months. But on the whole, congratulations for what looks to be a very profitable year for you! Yes, we are all very envious.

Your weakest months are April, June, July and November. Your best months are January, May, September and December. And in February, March, August and October? – spend some time going back over you accounts.

The Tiger: Tremulous Tiger! We see you ready to pounce. Wealth will come your way this year, and how! But be careful of people working behind your back. And stay of point and focused, as distractions may bring you injuries this year. But the finances…the Snake is your lucky star this year, and you should take the time for financial planning. For relief, get out and about with Dogs and Horses. The physical release will do you a world of good. Travel will benefit you well, too, and both the Dog and the Horse love to travel. Be careful driving during your weaker months. It is not the best year to begin any new business ventures, as you are affected by the Snake’s bestie, the Monkey this year. In other words, the Monkey’s plans and grand ideas will not suit you this year, so it is better to travel and plan for the future. Take the time to plan for the future instead of venturing out in new fields now. You are the master strategist of the Chinese zodiac, after all. Consolidate your gains from the past and watch them grow. Next year will be your time to pounce on those new projects. Patience!

Your weakest months will be January, May, August and January of 2026. Your best months will be March, April, June, October and November. And in February, July, September and December? – take a page from our Sly Snake and reassess your strategies.

The Rabbit: Restless Rabbit. That is your theme for this year. Keep a bag packed. There will be many unexpected trips, and they will benefit you greatly. The Dragon, your lucky sign this year, has opened up new vistas for you, which you are anxious to explore. You have strong luck stars this year. Your past efforts have harnessed positive financial outcomes for you this year. But keep your cards close to your chest. There are those who would want to ride your coat tails and take advantage of your good fortune. There may be a relocation for you this year, which you should embrace. It is time to break free of any past hindrances, with which the Dragon can surely help you. Change will be no stranger to you this year. Make sure all your personal relations are on the up-and-up and all your finances are in order. The key this year is to take things on an even keel and not rock the boat with people. There are dangers with water anyway, as well as heights. Stay off of ladders at home, a word to the wise. But airplanes are fine. And you will be on many in short order. Seek out a Sheep and a Pig for travelling companions. You will have tons of tales for the future. Have fun, and stay safe!

Your weakest months will be May, June, September and December. Your strongest months will be February, April, July and October. But what about January, March, May and November? – update your travel diaries and put all your photos in order.

The Dragon: Dragon, the Daring! What a year it was! You accomplished a mountain of deeds on the world stage. And all the world is a stage to you! Now it is time to recoup and recover, as a very fulfilling year awaits you. As you step down from your responsibilities and pass the baton to your neighbor, the Snake, a year of socializing and communion opens out before you. Surround yourself with your friends you know well, especially the Rat and the Monkey, the other members of your Triumphant Trio. They will have your back this year for anyone who complains about what you got up to in 2024. Your lucky association this year will be with the Rat, the intrepid journalist who has been documenting all your activities. The Rat has also been documenting many other people, too, and has information that may be useful to you. Travel will benefit you greatly this year. A change of scenery is certainly on the table. The Rat will be important for you in establishing new contacts for future projects. And we anxiously await what those projects may be. You certainly were one for the unexpected, in what has been a very surprising year! Rest well.

Your weakest months are January, March, April and October. Your most dramatic months in the sun are February, August, September and December. And in May, June, July and November? – travel, travel, and then travel some more. Keep a travel diary, too.

The Snake: Well, Sagacious Snake, your year has come around again. This year portends major financial changes. You were born for this! You should have considerable luck this year. Be sure to maintain your personal boundaries and beware of yes-men. The very thing you want to avoid is any negative press. And as you know, Snakes can easily become involved in scandals. Keep your books honest, your plans transparent, much as there is a tendency in many Snakes to be secretive. This is a year for financial growth, and people will be seeking you out. Stay up to date on financial trends, especially overseas. Even in years of downturns there are always opportunities. Parlay with your other Trio partners, the Ox and the Rooster, and lay out your plans clearly, holding nothing back between you. Your luck animal this year is the Tiger, who can teach you a lot about strategy – and you will need it going forward. Be careful of scams, get-rich-quick schemes (If it seems too good to be true, it probably isn’t.), confidence men…you know the deal. Get a health check-up before the end of April. You can achieve great things this year and accrue a lot of wealth if you proceed carefully. Congratulations, as your star is shining brightly!

Your weakest months are February, May and November. Your months to shine are January, June, July, September and January  of 2026. And in March, April, August and October? – those are the months to consolidate your gains.

The Horse: Hi-Yo, Horses! Time to saddle up and get moving! The wealth stars are shining this year. Focus on new job opportunities and anything that involves travel. The Dog is your luck animal this year and all activity is favoured. New product lines are favoured, but be sure all the ‘t’s are crossed and the ‘i’s dotted and that the investments are sound. Take your time making important decisions. The exuberance you feel this year should not overcome your sound horse sense. Be prepared to step up (which is usually not a problem for you), but also treat people well. The Horse is a powerful sign, as you know, and running over people has brought you hard lessons in the past. But you learn well from experience. This is a high vibration year for you and it will be very busy. You are always up to the task, though. Your mindset should be very positive this year. Throw out any negative thinking. Opportunity has landed. Take it with gusto and run with it! Onward, Ho!

Your weakest months are January, March, June, December and January of 2026). Your strongest months are February, April, May, July and October. And in July, August, September and November? – some time in the gym or doing Zumba are always beneficial.

The Sheep: Have you been Sulking, Sheep? Last year was not your favorite cup of tea? Have you been irritated by the boisterous and Daring Dragon? Take heart. We all love you, even though you can be a little opinionated at times. Much as you may not want to hear it, a change of direction would probably do you good this year, and maybe even a change of location. Take the time for sharpening your skills and listening to advice. You are good at giving advice. This time, take time to listen. And please, get out and get active. Pastures are all well and good, but there are greener ones beyond. The Horse is your lucky companion this year, and the activity Horses love will do wonders for your health and your attitude. This is not your luckiest year, but next year…did we mention Horses? Next year is the year of the Fire Horse. Get the idea? It will be a time of spiritual awakening. Don’t be a Sad Sack, Sheep. Greener pastures do await, and the time is not far away! Pigs and Rabbits always have a sympathetic ear, too. And don’t be afraid to speak up. This is no time to be passive!

Your weakest months are January, May, October, December and January of 2026. Your most opportune months are March, June and November. And February, April, July, August and September? – spend quality time with family and doing volunteer work.

The Monkey: Oh Mensch Monkey! You have played your cards well. Wealth luck is in your stars this year! You are the natural techie of the Chinese zodiac, and along with the Dragon and the Rat you form the Trio of Extreme Capability. And tech will feature BIGLY this year, as a famous Dog once said. You are the picture of dexterity and no mental challenge is too great for you. In fact, you love to take on those projects that others are too timid to face. The Pig is your lucky animal this year, and our friendly Pig will be busy with matters at home. Take some time and pay a visit. You will be glad you did, because Pigs know everyone and they know how to pull the strings to get things done – as well as the projects that are coming up on the table. Inside info – be aware and take the shot! Get shed of anything that doesn’t work, or people who don’t work. There should be nothing holding you back. But the Pig also has sage advice. Speak of your plans to the Patient Pig, and stay open. But also be aware of the con, for you do like the gamble at times. Travel will widen your horizons. Maintain your focus, because much will be expected of you this year. But on the whole, congratulations! It’s onwards and upwards from here!

Your weakest months are February, November and January of 2026. Your most inventive months will be April, May, August, September, October and December. And in March, June, July and October? – take the time to work out any glitches there may be in your grand projects.

The Rooster: Resplendent Rooster! It is time to rise to the occasion and crow about your good fortune! Your best friend, the Snake has returned! The Snake and the Ox are the two that make with you a powerful financial Trio. It’s time to get down to business! With the steady planning of the Ox and the financial wizardry of the Snake and you as spokesperson extraordinaire, what’s not to like, this year? There may be some niggling health issue hanging on from last year and it is best to get that taken care of and out of the way. A fallen crest is oh, so unattractive, you know? But not to worry – if attended to now there will be no trouble as the year unfolds. This is a tremendous year for you to pursue financial security and wealth, as your wealth stars are strong. People will seek you out for advice. Be forthcoming, but don’t come on too strong. A little patient listening goes a long way with people. But anyway, Congratulations! Carpe Diem! You deserve to bask in the rising sun and the return of your friend! Oh, and by the way – that Dog that has been eyeing you may just be a lucky and rising star for you. You could use a little Doggie Daring, and fun (Wink, Wink!).

Your weakest months are March, September and December. Your time to shine is in April, May, August, October and January of 2026. And in February, June, July and November? – time to brush up on those presentation skills!

The Dog: Dog tired, Dutiful Dog? Last year was a real trial, was it? The Dragon was not your best friend, though you are best friends with everyone else. Cheer up! The sun is out and it is time to leave the kennel in search of new horizons. Perhaps a new position or an upgrade at work awaits. You won’t know unless you can throw off the Black Dog of Depression. But you are not a depressive type. Once you are out and active again – perhaps with Horses (your lucky animal for the year) and Tigers, the other members of your Triumphant Trio – your zest for life will soon return. If there are legal or personal matters hanging over from las year, you will prevail this year. People do admire you and your principles and they will be attracted to you once they see you out and around again. If people have shown unsavoury colors to you last year it is better to step away and find new friendships – or perhaps a new love. Love is in the air for you this year (hint, hint), but you won’t find it sitting at home. Your lucky stars are shining. Let you heart sing this year!

Your weakest months are April, July and January of 2026. Your best months are February, March, June, August, September and October. And in May and November? – well, that’s not much time off, but some nice time away with your loved ones is in order.

The Pig: Why so Petulant, Pig? One would think you had met your nemesis. Perhaps you have. The Snake is not your best friend. But there is no need to be peevish. You have had great successes in past years. Now is the time to sit back and enjoy them instead of going after the next best and greatest prize or toy. Tend to matters at home. Fix up the house (which you have no doubt neglected, a little.) Do the repairs that have niggled. Put the car in the shop for a tune-up and check. Get that check-up you have been putting off. Make sure the kids are allright and on course. They do like it when you are at home, much as they may grumble about it. Seek out a Sheep and exchange family tales, or perhaps a Rabbit to cure what is ailing you (which doubtless, is not much). Those two are part of your natural Trio. Your lucky animal, though, is the Monkey, who will give you ideas for the future. Sit this year out, and enjoy! Hey – it’s no biggie! You can dream big for the future.

Your weakest months are May, August and November. Your strongest months are February, March and June. And in April, July, September, October, December and January of next year? – take a look at your finances, and then take a look at all the good fortune you already have. It’s not the easiest year for you, but there is much for which to be thankful!