Stars eBooks

Now with Sun Decans Bonus

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Would you like to know more about the Big Three – the Sun, Moon and Ascendant – in your Birth Chart? Or perhaps you would like to learn about a partner, or a relative? Or even gift a lovely eBook to a friend?

Astrologer Stephanie Johnson has written and compiled 12 colourful eBooks on each Zodiac Sign including the Sun, Moon and Ascendant. These can be purchased at a cost of US$7.95. Buy the full collection for US$75 and save over 25%!

It is often said that the Sun, Moon and Ascendant Sign can provide important suggestions about how we can shine and feel alive (the Sun); our subconscious patterns of behaviour (the Moon); and our purpose and motivation in life (the Ascendant).

Please note that each eBook contains the Sun, Moon and Ascendant. If you know your Big Three, as they are called, then you can purchase an eBook for each. Otherwise you may just choose your Sun Sign.

So select your Zodiac Sign now:


Astrological Zodiac Sign eBooks
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eBook content overview

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