Astrology Birth Report

What Is An Astrology Birth Report?

Birth astrology report imageAn astrology birth report and chart – or a natal chart – is essentially a map of the position of the major planets and astral bodies at the time and date of your birth. Of course this includes your sun sign, but also all the other multitude of astrology that can impact our lives.

The positioning of these astral bodies at the time of your birth will impact your personality, life and business at different times and in different ways. Your astrology birth report will help you understand these, as well as find your strengths and weaknesses in life and in business.

Birth Report Request

Have you ever wondered why some people are lively, others generous, some artistic and others just plain shy? Your birth report and chart astrological interpretation will tell you the characteristics you were born with.

Every birth chart and report is unique as it depends both on your time and place of birth. Most astrological reports only deal with your sun sign or star sign. In other words, it might focus on the fact that you’re a Capricorn or a Virgo. In fact, true astrology is much more in depth and talks about all the planets and in this way reflects all aspects of yourself, many of which you may never have consciously realised.

Your Astrology Birth Report and Chart will be for life as it doesn’t change. Better, it’s available immediately online.


Astrological Report Request - Birth Report
Entry format "dd/mm/yyyy" or click in the field to select from the popup calendar
Time of Birth
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