Family Astrology Report and Chart

What Is A Family Astrology Chart?

Family astrology report imageA family astrology chart and report is design to give you insights into how your family life has shaped you as a person, and how you operate within your own family. If there are ways in which your family works well, and ways that they don’t, we can discover these through your family astrology report. This will then allow you to take steps forward as both an individual and a family.

Family Astrology Chart Request

Actor Michael J Fox once said that family was not an important thing, it was everything. The way we start out in life can influence who we become as adults, and our families play a big part in this.

Our initial instincts are shaped before we enter the world, whilst we are still in the womb. These instincts are further developed by our interactions with our parents and siblings once we enter the world.

Each person within the family unit is likely to experience the dynamics differently. Each child possesses inherent traits that predispose them to interpreting and relating to different experiences in their own ways. One child may appreciate a fiery parent, while another may cower in fear. One child may welcome feeling connected and close with their siblings and parents, whilst another may require or even thrive with more alone time.

Though the children all have the same parents, they have their own unique stories and inherent needs. The Family Astrology Chart can assist in interpreting and understanding the stories and dynamics that may play out within the family unit, providing insight into potential opportunities and challenges.


Astrological Report Request - Family Report
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Time of Birth
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