Monthly Moon Report

What Is Moon Astrology?

Moon astrology report imageIn astrology, the moon represents our inner world. This is our emotions and feelings, and what we need to feel safe and secure. It also represents our deepest personal needs, our basic habits and how we will react, unconsciously.

The sun acts – but the moon reacts. Consider, how do we instinctively react to problems? What do we need to feel safe? Moon astrology – or the moon in your birth chart – will give you insight into those phases of your life and business. Your moon phase calendar will help you learn how to work with the monthly moon cycle.

Moon Astrology Report Request

Around every 28 days the moon returns to the exact position it was at when you were born. Using moon astrology we draw up a chart for this point. month. In this new chart we look at the house position of the moon and any aspects made to it. We also look at the ascendant and any aspects made to it and the house position of the sun.

Your moon chart contains the seed of the next lunar cycle, known as the Lunar Return Chart and this indicates the nature and major themes of the coming up. The moon in astrology also represents your emotions so looking at your monthly moon report will indicate your emotional nature and any emotional issues for the coming month whether that is in your life generally, or your business.

Moon insights help you to gather your resources for the coming month to be better prepared for what’s to come. And help you to take advantage of the opportunities that will come your way.

Get your moon astrology report today.


Astrological Report Request - Monthly Moon Report
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Time of Birth
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