Stars Reports

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Birth Report imageAn astrological chart, also known as a horoscope, natal chart or birth chart looks at the nature you were born with. The specific energy indicated at that time by planets in Zodiac Signs is also reflected in you. Your birth chart is as individual and unique as a fingerprint. Yearly Forecast Report imageInterested in knowing more about your year ahead? Our yearly forecast offers the major highlights of the upcoming year indicated by the movement of the planets against your birth chart. Will relationships, money or adventure be indicated for you?
Birthday Report imageEach year the Sun returns to the exact position it was at when you were born. This is where we get the common phrase ‘Many Happy Returns’. At this time a new Yearly Chart is formed. Will relationships be highlighted or will travel or work be the major theme? Monthly Moon Report imageAround every 28 days the Moon returns to the exact position it was at when you were born. A chart drawn up for this point, the seed of the next lunar cycle, known as the Lunar Return chart indicates the nature and major themes of the coming month.
Relationship Report imageDo you wonder what makes you and your loved ones compatible? Each relationship that we have operates in a different way, making our lives richer and more interesting. This report looks at where we are connected or not with another person. Child Report imageWhen a Child is born they are in many ways a mystery to us. How will they turn out ? What will their personality be like ? Astrology says that their basic makeup is already there and with a Child Report you can get a glimpse into that nature even before it becomes apparent.
Pet Report imageIt is hard to sum up in words the importance of the role that animals play in our lives. Creatures great and small tug at our heart strings and teach us invaluable lessons. This report is intended to help repay the favour and understand how to best nurture and sustain them. Family Report imageActor Michael J Fox once said that family was not an important thing, it was everything! Our first instincts are shaped by what we experience in the womb, and then as we are birthed into this world, our relationship with our mother, father and then the rest of the family.
Big Three Report imageIt is often said that the Sun, Moon and Ascendant sign at the time and place of birth can provide important suggestions about how we can shine and feel alive (the Sun); our subconscious patterns of behaviour (the Moon); and our purpose and motivation in life (the Ascendant).